Wednesday 23 January 2013

A British politician's comments

A British politician and race relations activist used the upcoming Holocaust Memorial Day to call Israel a “racist oppressor.”

The comments, first reported by the Jewish Chronicle, were posted to Lee Jasper’s Facebook page. Jasper is a Respect Party politician and a former equalities adviser to former London Mayor Ken Livingstone.
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1 comment:

  1. Firstly, Respect is for the brainwashed ie a considerable number of people.

    With the recent election of Binyamin Netanyahu, I think that everyone needs to contact their MP, consider these points.

    I suggest everyone sends the following 2 points or 2 points of Arab behaviour in relation to the actions of Mohamet, to their MP with a covering letter, reminding them that 'peace' in a Western sense is nigh impossible for Israel with their Arab neighbours who are but 1km away, not 6000km like Europe and Mali (and even Lapid realizes there is no peace partner).

    a) No-one but the interested know the original, legally binding 5 mandates, 4 Arab and 1 Jewish State, including Jerusalem as the Jewish Capital anymore.

    b) The following 2 sites monitor media and education in the Arab world, it shows the 'information' and 'education' their children receive, and they quote the Qur'an and Sunna (words and actions of Mohamet to drive the point home).

    Since the minority of Muslims are causing the chaos in Islamic lands, as they travel from throughout the globe for jihad; the threat needs to be addressed, and that threat is being caused by the words and actions of Mohmaet, it's on their placards in demonstrations and the videos they make, to the "allah akbar" when detonating rockets on all news clips - chanting of Kaybar is the remembrance of the slaughter of a whole Jewish tribe, how can this not be incitement? Why is it tolerated?

    Sura 3:3 states that the Qur'an confirms the Torah and Injil, yet the evidence in its scriptures falls on this, which is discovered, merely by a simple book review, from the Hebrew Texts to the relatively new, 7th century Qur'an, and ahadith.

    The Qur'an calls us to bring forth our proofs, we do, we bring forth the Torah and Injil to prove the Islamic scriptures do not follow the earlier scriptures at all.

    We afford open, critical analysis of all other religious scriptures, the reliance of oil and the fear of terrorism ought not to put off the same privilege to Islamic scriptures.

    Until a real discussion and open critical analysis of their ideology, which are clearly from the actions of their prophet, Mohamed, more countries are going to fall to the violent few who travel for jihad (called the Way of War, by Mohamed, and mandatory from giving zakat/charity or action).

    Ignorance is not bliss, it will be our downfall if we put 'political correctness' ie not being allowed to speak our mind (stifling of freedom to compare and contrast evidence of efficacy of texts). Intellectual rigor in measuring speech has been the bedrock of the British nation for centuries and is our birthright - kate b

    p.s please don't just read this and think someone else will write, they won't - be concise, just choose one bit to write about - talk with others so you can all address one point.


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