Sunday 17 June 2012

The opposite

Mitt Romney is telling evangelical Christians that he’ll do “the opposite” of what President Obama has done in dealing with Israel.

Romney on Saturday told the Faith and Freedom Coalition he believes the president is more concerned about Israel attacking Iran than he is about Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. His hawkish speech was the first time he’s discussed policy toward Israel at length since becoming the likely Republican presidential nominee.
Read full article:

1 comment:

  1. Romney is anything but "hawkish".
    Here's why:
    In short, he's cast from the same mold as Obama, only the stealth oligarchy, now holding the reins of America (and squeezing the lifeblood out of it), chiseled him out to fit into the guise of a Republican. Once they did away with the conservatives who might take helm of the party, like Palin and Santorum, even Cain, they have smooth sailing to further their nefarious agenda, albeit somewhat slower if Romney pulls off the win.


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